Monday, I spent 2 hours butt scarfing 8) 4×8 sheets of 1/2″ plywood to make up 4) 4×16 sheets of plywood. 2) for the bottom panels and 2) for the side panels. A butt scarf is simply butting two sheets end to end and attaching them with epoxy and fiberglass. As you can see I have done this on the wood floor of the shop by stacking them with plastic between each sheet and clamping them down with 4″ sheetrock screw.
This boat is a 16′ Garvey. The model is JIMBO, designed by GLEN-L Marine Designs. I’m building it for a couple of river salvage loggers that have a mill at the top end of Bernie Slough. These guy custom mills wood for guys like me. It’s a way to get nice old growth lumber without cutting down trees.