Today I put in 5 hours knocking all the high spots off with 60 grit and an orbital sander. I then cut and fit the exterior bow stem and then cut and glued run strips to the bottom. Tomorrow I’ll begin the application of the 410 fairing compound and cutting and steaming the gunwale guards.
Current Projects
20′ Banks Fishing Dory, USCG – Filling Low Spots
This last Saturday and Sunday I put in appoximately 4 hours mixing an epoxy wood flour and filling all the counter sunk screws and low spots.
20′ Banks Fishing Dory, USCG – Fiberglassing the Hull
We got some snow! It’s 25 degrees so first thing was to get a good fire going in the shop stove. Today I put in 4 hours. I prepped the haul for fiberglass seam tape and cloth. I then cut the tape and cloth to fit the bottom and up to the top of the…
20′ Banks Fishing Dory, USCG – Bottom Refit With Glue
Today I put in 3 hour removing the 1/2″ marine ply bottom and refitting with glue. I then took a block plane and faired the chine fair with the hull. Tomorrow I’ll begin the fiberglass work. Josey my shop adviser is posing in a couple of these shots.
20′ Banks Fishing Dory, USCG – Plywood Bottom
Today I put in 4 1/2 hours. I started cleaning up the squeezed out dried glue from the fitting of the sheer planks. Then I cut and fit the 1/2″ marine plywood bottom. Tomorrow I will plane the bottom fair with the hull chine and then fiberglass tape the chine and seams.
20′ Banks Fishing Dory, USCG – More Planks Glued
Today I put in 1 1/2 hours removing the two sheer planks and then refitting them with glue. Next is cutting fitting, removing and gluing up the 1/2″ marine plywood bottom.
20′ Banks Fishing Dory, USCG – Sheer Planks
Today I put in 5 hours spiling and fitting the two sheer planks. Tomorrow I’ll remove them and refit them with glue. The excess frames will be cut to the top of the sheer.
20′ Banks Fishing Dory, USCG – Cleaning Up Glue
Today I put in 7 hours cleaning up yesterday’s squeeze out of the glue and then spiled the next to planks. I fit them, then removed them and then refit with glue and screws.
20′ Banks Fishing Dory, USCG – Gluing Planks
Today I put in 7 hours cleaning up yesterday’s squeeze out of the glue and then spiled the next to planks. I fit them, then removed them and then refit with glue and screws.
20′ Banks Fishing Dory, USCG – More Planks
Today I just put in 2 hours cutting the traced plank, planing and fitting it to the starboard side of the hull. I also took a photo of this morning’s sunrise. Jody and I felt like we were in heaven sipping our fine coffee looking out over the Columbia River.